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Landeinformation: Direkte investeringer, FDI

Præsentation af en række kilder med information om lande


Præsentation af en række ressourcer hvor der findes data om direkte investeringer.

A short paper on FDI information sources

Databaser med statistik om investeringer

OECD International Direct Investment Statistics: via OECD iLbrary er der under menupunktet "Statistics" adgang til databasen "International Direct Investments Statistics". Data er tilgængelige på lande- og brancheniveau, og kronologisk er der for de fleste variable data tilgængelige fra 1980 - d.d. Det er muligt at downloade data i flere forskellige formater.



Danmarks Nationalbank: udarbejder dansk statistik om udenlandske investeringer i Danmark og danske investeringer i udlandet. Statistikken udgives kvartalsvis og årligt.

Informationsressourcer på Internettet

Foreign Direct Investments Database (UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) Denne online database giver adgang til aggregerede data for mere end 190 forskellige økonomier. FDI-Statistik hjemmesiden giver også adgang til definitioner af FDI-relateret terminologi, en beskrivelse af kilder, metoder, ​​begrænsninger m.m.

World Investment Directory: her findes data "about foreign direct investment in a country, comprising detail statistics on flows, stocks and TNC operations, disaggregated by components, industry and investor/recipient country." Landerapporterne findes både i pdf-format og i en online version.

World DataBank (World Bank): World Development Indicators (WDI) is the primary World Bank database for development data from officially-recognized international sources. Global Development Finance (GDF) provides external debt and financial flows statistics for countries that report public and publicly-guaranteed debt under the World Bank's Debtor Reporting System (DRS).

Investing across Borders: World Bank Group initiative comparing regulation of foreign direct investment around the world. It presents quantitative indicators on economies' laws, regulations, and practices affecting how foreign companies invest across sectors, start businesses, access industrial land, and arbitrate commercial disputes.

International Economic Accounts: (USA): This database includes Foreign Direct Investment Data in the US and US Direct Investment Abroad. There is some data that is available at the country and regional level.

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