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Kilder til dansk og international markedsinformation

Præsentation af databaser mm. der indeholder information om markeder, brancher, virksomheder, forbrugere, kunder og lande

Markedet i tal - indhold

Markedsstørrelse - på brancheniveau

På brancheniveau findes følgende generelle, statistiske kilder:


Structural business statistics database (SBS)/ Eurostat:

Årlige data om EU-landenes virksomheder, med tabeller om antal virksomheder, omsætning, beskæftigelse osv. Klassifikationen følger EU branchekodesystem NACE-nomenklaturen.

Key Figures on European Business -2022 editionThe publication presents a selection of key business statistics indicators for the European Union, the Member States and the EFTA countries. It starts with an overview, followed by more detailed analyses on four specific parts of the business economy — industry, construction, distributive trades and other non-financial services, and ends with a chapter on tourism.

STAN: OECD Structural Analysis Statistics   (tidligere navn: OECD STAN database for industrial analysis)
Indeholder bl.a. tal for produktion, import og eksport opdelt efter ISIC branchekoder. 
"The STAN database for industrial analysis provides analysts and researchers with a comprehensive tool for analysing industrial performance at a relatively detailed level of activity across countries. It includes annual measures of output, labour input, investment and international trade broken down by International Standard Industrial Classification codes including those covering services" (citeret fra hjemmesiden)


Database med tabeller for alverdens lande, der viser antal virksomheder, ansatte, værditilvækst mv. for industribrancherne fordelt på ISIC branchekoder.

United States Census
(US Census > Topics > Business and Economy > Sales, Receipts, Shipments, or Production)

Statistics on industries and business activity in geographic areas (including the nation, states, metropolitan areas, counties, and cities). Data includes number of establishments, number of employees, payroll, sales, receipts, value of shipments, value of construction work done, etc.

County Business Patterns (US):

County Business Patterns (CBP) is an annual series that provides subnational economic data by industry. This series includes the number of establishments, employment during the week of March 12, first quarter payroll, and annual payroll (provides United States Census)

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