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Using Libsearch: Look up a document

This guide will, based on your needs, give you an insight into how Libsearch can be used in your academic work.

Go to Libsearch

Click the logo to go to Libsearch and try it out.

Benefits from signing in

  • More hits in the search results
  • Quick reservation of books
  • Access to personalization features


Your first try at finding a particular document in Libsearch might be to do a simple copy-paste of a reference. This approach will work in many cases, but don´t give up if you get zero hits or a lot of not-quite-it references. The book or article you need might still be available.

Below, you will find suggestions on how to make sure if the library can give you access or not.

If you still do not find what you need, please do ask the library for help. Have a look at your options.

Find a document via "Advanced search"

Here is the absolute foolproof way to figure out if a document, for which you have information on author and title, is available through Libsearch or not.

An example;

Saunders, M., Thornhill, A., & Lewis, P. (2019). Research methods for business students. (8. ed.). Pearson Education Limited.

Go to the advanced search option in Libsearch. Change "Any field" to "Creator/Author" in the first line, and add an author surname. Change "Any field" to "Title" in the second line and add a couple of words from the title. Click "Search".

Check for spelling errors. Libsearch is not as good as Google at spelling for you.



Find a document via filling in form

You can search for a document via the "Search by reference" feature as well. This feature works best with very detailed information, such as an ISBN (International Standard Book Number - every published book has one). If you search for title information, be sure that the title is absolutely correct.

Here is an example:

Fischer, F. (2003). Reframing Public Policy: Discursive Politics and Deliberative Practices. Oxford University Press.
ISBN: 9780199242641

To get to "Search by reference", go to the three dots in the upper menu in Libsearch and Choose "Fetch item". Or click "Search by reference" here.  Enter the ISBN (or author and precise title)


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