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S&P Capital IQ: Companies

Company Information

Company Intelligence provides comprehensive information on over 60,000 public companies, 685,000 private companies, 10,600 private capital firms, 312,000 transactions and 985,000 professionals worldwide.

To search for a company, either:

  • Click on the Companies tab in the Top Menu and select the Search Profiles option
  • Use the Search Box at the top of the page, above the Top Menu. You are presented with a list of matches from which you can choose your desired company, and will then be directed to its Tearsheet

Search Profiles: 
research public or private companies, private investment firms, people, or securities










The Tearsheet page provides a company’s basic business description, industry classification, current and prior investors, primary office location, stock information, financial statistics, key executives and current and pending subsidiaries.

Novo Nordisk Tearsheet



      In the Left Menu you have now more options to find further information and data
      on the chosen company. In this example we focus on Financials/Valuation.
      This function on the left menu provides a detailed list of financial information used
      to analyze and valuate companies. In the image besides, outlined in red,
      you can find Key Statistics, Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and much more.

      Annual report data from 1989/90 and forwards
      Quarterly data differ in coverage - but for many companies you find Q-data from 1990's and forwards.




You also have the option to download this information in an Excel sheet for further analysis. The button for download is below the Top menu, outlined in red on the below diagram
















Individual line-item level details are fully traceable (by hovering over them) back to the source documents with the location of each data item bookmarked to facilitate transparency.

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