ESG Data Days 2021
In October CBS Library hosted four presentations on ESG. The first presentation was a talk about working with ESG integration across investments. The last three talks were database introductions presented by database specialists from Bloomberg, MorningStar, and Eikon/Datastream.
ESG data in the Eikon and Datastream Financial Databases
Presenter: Dianne Ocumen, Refinitiv
Working with ESG Integration and Analysis across PKA Investments
Presenter: Louise Aagaard Jensen, ESG Manager, PKA A/S
Louise is working with ESG integration and analysis across PKA’s investments. PKA is one of Denmark’s largest pension fund and has USD 55 bn under management and has more than 10% of its investments in environmental impact investments and has a mission of reaching USD 8 bn by the end of 2025. PKA has a new mission of investing USD 1,6 bn in social impact investments by 2025 and is committed to be CO2-neutral by 2050.
Louise has previously worked with market development in South America and Africa at the Danish Embassy in Brazil and a global waste management company. Louise holds a Master of Science in International Business and Politics from Copenhagen Business School.
This presentation was not recorded.
MorningStar - Introduction and ESG Data
Presenter: Christian Bergman, MorningStar
MorningstarDirect is a new financial database in the CBS Library portfolio of databases. Christian Bergman from Morningstar will introduce the content and functions of Morningstar. Subsequently there will be a more detailed presentation of the ESG data in Morningstar
Among MorningStar's software and data platforms is MorningstarDirect. It provides investors with information on over 80,000 stocks, 310,000 mutual funds and over 20,000 Exchange Traded Funds. In addition, it provides stock screening functions and portfolio analysis tools. MorningstarDirect is a web-based research platform ideal for developing, selecting, and monitoring investments, including Open End Funds, Separate Accounts, Exchange-Traded Funds, Stocks, and Variable Annuity Products.
ESG data in the Eikon and Datastream Financial Databases
Presenter: Dianne Ocumen, Refinitiv
Eikon and Datastream are two of the major financial databases accessible via the library. They are owned by Refinitiv, an LSEG business, and during the years Refinitiv has been one of the key sources when it comes to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) data. The ESG data is extracted and standardized from publicly available sources as annual reports, NGO websites and CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility Reports.
The presentation: Refinitiv Eikon – ESG Content & Tools