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APA 7th Edition - Citation Guide - CBS Library

Entries in a Reference Book

Always look carefully for a byline/author; this is usually at either the beginning or the end of an entry.

With Entry Author


Author, A. A. (Year). Title of entry. In A. Editor (Ed.), Title of reference work (xth ed., Vol. xx, pp. xxx–xxx). Publisher.


Hodges, W. (2006). First-order logic. In D. M. Borchert (Ed.), The encyclopedia of philosophy (2nd ed., Vol. 3, pp. 639–659). Thomson Gale.

As in-text citation:

(Hodges, 2006)

No Entry Author


Title of entry. (Year). In A. Editor (Ed.), Title of reference work (xth ed., Vol. xx, pp. xxx–xxx). Publisher.


Southeast Asia. (2003). In The new encyclopaedia Britannica: Macropedia (15th ed., Vol. 27, pp. 711–794). Encyclopaedia Britannica.

As in-text citation:

("Southeast Asia," 2003)

Source: Publication Manual, 10.3 (examples 47-48)

Using Mendeley? (or another reference management tool)

For a correct APA 7th reference, check the following:

- Reference Type is “Encylopedia Article”

- The following fields are filled out

  • Title (of the entrie)
  • Author(s) (if given)
  • Title of the reference book
  • Year
  • Pages
  • Volume (if given)
  • Edition (if not 1st edition)
  • Editor(s) of the reference book
  • Publisher
  • DOI or URL (if eBook)

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