When you teach, you need to be aware of copyright if you wish to hand out some material to your students or you use the pictures or logos of others or the like in for example your PowerPoint-presentations.
When you retrieve articles from the databases via CBS Library, you can normally create stable links in two ways. The procedure you follow depends on the selected database:
1. The EBSCO databases (Business Source Ultimate etc.): locate the article by clicking on the title of the article and then click on the Permalink button on the right side of the screen. You can now use this URL as a stable link in for example CBS Canvas.
2. Other databases (e.g. Wiley Online or ScienceDirect): find the article’s DOI number. See below for further procedure.
Write or copy a DOI number into the text box below and press the button “Create deep link”.
(DOI is short for Digital Object Identifier and is an article’s unique ID number).
Please note: only the part of the DOI number that follows .org/ should be entered, i.e. the part that is highlighted in bold in this example:
Enter DOI number: |
You will now have generated a link with the DOI number. You can copy this link and use it to create stable links.
More information on how to generate stable links to articles and e-books:
The Course Collection is a collection of all the books on CBS’ reading lists and they are for library use only.
We receive the reading lists from Academic Books and buy accordingly. If you would like supplementary literature in the Course Collection, please get in touch.
Contact Nikolaj Kjær Jensen, nkj.lib@cbs.dk or 3815 3733.
The following rules apply:
CBS Library provides access to e-books and e-journals via the library search engine LibSearch and the Library’s databases. Access to e-books and journals is provided via different licensing agreements with publishers and other suppliers. The agreements authorise employees and students at CBS to use these materials directly on campus or via remote access using their CBS username and password.
Rules for use of licensed material:
By uploading material as full text to Canvas or forwarding it as an e-mail, you violate the licensing agreement.
CBS has entered into an agreement with Copydan Writing regarding the copying of copyrighted material that enables the university to make copies of Danish and foreign copyrighted materials for use in teaching activities. Basically, the agreement permits all employees and students to use all published materials.
Please be aware that the Copydan agreement on scanning documents only takes effect when all options to link to the documents through CBS Library subscription databases have been exhausted.
Method: you can freely choose between analogue and digital copying methods.
Remember to cite your sources: title, author, publisher and publication year as a minimum.
What is meant by copying: in the agreement, it is stated that any reproduction (copy), analogue or digital material is understood as “copying”. Images may only be used if they are taken from a published publication and are featured together with the accompanying text. Regarding the rules for use of isolated/stand-alone images, see "Images" under Use of Different Types of Materials in Connection with Teaching Activities.
How much are you permitted to copy (limits to copying):
From a 150-page book, you may photocopy or scan 20 %, equivalent to 30 pages.
From a 350-page book, you may photocopy or scan max. 50 pages
From a journal of totally 350 pages for the whole volume, you may photocopy or scan max. 50 pages.
If you wish to copy or scan an article or book chapter that exceeds the limit of 20 % (max. 50 pages), you must obtain permission directly from the rights holder and/or the publisher. You could contact Copydan Writing first, as they can often help you obtain this consent.
Access to copies (storage of copies):
Digital copies of material must be stored on a password protected intranet such as Canvas. The material may not be distributed by electronic post such as for example e-mail and SMS.
What you are not permitted to copy (that is copying not covered by the agreement):
Older works
If all authors (and translators) of the work have been dead for more than 70 years, then the copyright protection has expired, and you are permitted to freely use the text without page limitations. Always remember to cite your sources.
Commercials are protected by copyright. So if you wish to show a commercial in connection with teaching activities, you must make an agreement with the rights holders. However, investigate the possibilities you have with Mediestream.
Reklamefilm Online via Mediestream: Archival collection of Danish commercials with access to all Danish commercials shown in Danish cinema screens between 1955-1995 and on TV2 between 1988-2005. The collection is continuously expanded to include more recent commercials. Use of material from Mediestream may only take place in connection with research, study or teaching activities, and the material may not be used for other purposes. For example, you can search for a certain product or product category and then refine your result to include only commercials. It is not permitted to download, forward, modify or use the material commercially. Public screenings outside of the purposes are not permitted. However, a Mediestream Academic license does give you the right to show the material in connection with teaching activities.
You access Mediestream via WAYF login, and the access is personal.
Films are protected by copyright, and CBS has not made any agreement on this area. So, if you wish to show a film in connection with teaching activities, you must make an agreement with the rights holders.
Free material on for example “The Internet Archive” that you may show in connection with teaching activities. It is also permitted to show legally uploaded videos from YouTube and to embed them in Canvas.
TV and radio
Mediestream contains streaming of radio and TV programmes broadcast on Danish channels from 2005 until present. You have access to a full range of programmes from DR1, DR2, TV2, TV2 News, P1, P3 and P4 and not just individual programmes. An overview that shows which TV channels and radio channels and which periods you have access to. Use of material from Mediestream may only take place in connection with research, study or teaching activities, and the material may not be used for other purposes. For example, you can search for a certain product or product category and then refine your result to include only commercials. It is not permitted to download, forward, modify or use the material commercially. Public screenings outside of the purposes are not permitted. However, a Mediestream Academic license does give you the right to show the material in connection with teaching activities.
You access Mediestream via WAYF login, and the access is personal.
Content such as for example feature films that have been broadcast on TV are not covered by the agreement.
YouTube and similar platforms contain materials that are also subject to copyright law. You are only allowed to show such a video if it is the copyright holder himself who has uploaded the video.
You are not allowed to make changes in the video or use it in any other context unless it is specified in the video or the video has been marked with a creative commons license.
Sometimes it can be difficult to determine who the copyright holder is and if the video has been published legally.
If you wish to show or use a video from YouTube or a similar platform you need to check:
If these things are obvious, you can show or use the video.
If the video is not marked with a creative commons license or in another way described with the permitted use, you will have to contact the copyright holder and ask permission to use the video - an email confirmation is enough.
Remember that the copyright on films expires 70 years after the death of the director/author or likewise. Film and movies where the copyright has expired can be shown and used without asking for permission.
CBS has entered into an agreement with Copydan Visuals [in Danish] regarding the use of isolated/stand-alone images etc. in connection with teaching activities. In this context, images should be broadly understood as art, drawings, photographs, illustrations, figures, and graphs.
The Copydan agreement covers both print isolated/stand-alone images (i.e. images that are not used together with a text) and digital images that are legally available on the internet.
It permits you to:
You may not upload images to publicly accessible websites (such as for example CBS’ website). Instead, use CBS Canvas when you wish to share material with your students.
The agreement does not cover images from subscription-based databases or CBS’ e-journals or e-books.
Images accompanied by text are not covered by the agreement. In this case, you should consult the agreement with Copydan Writing [in Danish].
Older works:
If the creator of an image died more than 70 years ago, then the copyright protection has expired and, as a teacher, you are free to use the image.
Remember to credit the creator:
The creator’s name must be clearly stated in connection with the reproduction of the image. Moreover, the image may not be modified to any great extent or reproduced in such a way that it will offend the creator.
Colourbox is an image database with over 24 million images, illustrations and videos.
Access for CBS staff and students:
CBS Library has taken an educational license that allows for CBS staff and students to download up to 30 pictures per user per month, for educational use. To download images, you need to create an account with Colourbox. Use the license keys on my.cbs.dk and CBSshare. Via this link you can find more information on how to register as a user of Colourbox. You can also find a more detailed description of the conditions under which you may use material from Colourbox
Find images that you may legally use:
Access to a variety of image databases where you can find images that you may legally use in your teaching activities
The publishing on the internet of images of recognizable persons is considered an electronic processing of personal data. This applies even if image is accompanied by a text that identifies the person in question. The Danish Act on Processing of Personal Data’s provisions should be fulfilled for such a processing to take place legally:
Websites are, just as other material, subject to copyright law. This means that freely available material from the internet, such as websites, reports and Open Access articles, also are protected by copyright.
You may link to material on the internet, both by deep linking, reference linking and embedded linking.
You may not link to illegal content on the internet such as for example illegally uploaded mp3 files. You thereby make yourself guilty of complicity to the violation of copyright that takes place when someone uses the link and downloads the illegal file.
See more on linking on the internet: Ophavsret for begyndere: En bog til ikke-jurister (chapter 5, section 5, p. 81)
You may print from websites for your own personal use. You may also copy from the internet according to the rules that are stated in the copying agreement between CBS and Copydan [in Danish]. When it comes to websites, the 20 % of a material should be calculated based on the total amount of pages on the website. Since it can be difficult to assess, the rule of thumb is that you may max. print or upload the equivalent of 50 printed pages.
You may not copy entire websites and post them to Canvas.
Youtube videos:
You may embed videos that have been legally published on Youtube in Canvas.
They exist in two versions:
Most electronic journals and some e-books offer a PDF file of the individual articles, and these can usually be posted to the course.
Please note that a permission to make course packs with a given article or chapter is not the same as a permission to e-mail the material to your students.
Also, please note that not all e-journals permit the use of course packs.
Compendia (print collection of text contributions from more than five different works) must contain information about the reproduced material's title, the names of the creator and publisher as well as the publication year.
CBS has no agreement on this area so if you wish to use music in your teaching activities, you must make an agreement with the rights holders of the music you wish to use. When you use music in public, you must have an agreement with KODA.
Find music that you may legally use on the internet (link to libguide website regarding finding material that you may use legally): you can find music for use in teaching activities here
Ordinary newspaper articles are protected by the law of copyright. But an additional agreement to the current copying agreement with Copydan Tekst & Node now makes it possible to digitally copy and scan newspaper articles.
Note, however, that this addendum to the agreement does not change the license agreements that CBS has entered into directly with newspaper publishers and other providers of newspaper articles, see more below
With the addendum the agreement now covers all forms of copying of newspaper articles. From now on, as a teacher or student, you can legally share a newspaper article with others at your educational institution, as long as you comply with the general conditions of the agreement.
In practice, the new agreement means that you as a teacher or student can:
Use of articles from newspapers that CBS Library has entered into agreements
As mentioned, this addendum to agreement on copying (both analogue and digital) of newspapers does not, however, change the fact that you must continue to respect the agreements entered into directly with newspaper publishing companies and other vendors that provide access to newspapers. Using newspaper articles via these agreements, you must not post articles in copy. Insstead you have to create a link to the newspaper databases in question.
CBS Library has, however, made an agreement with individual provideres for the year 2023, which means that you may upload pdf copies of articles for use in teaching. These copies must only be available on a password protected platform such as Canvas. An agreement has been concluded with the following providers:
Articles from other providers of news sources such as Infomedia, Factiva and PressReader are not covered by these agreements. Here you just have to create a link to the database.
Via this link you can get an overview of available news media and databases via the CBS Library.
Newspaper articles older than 70 years can be freely used, see Public Domain.
As a general rule, small announcements and notices can are not protected. Remember, however, to refer to the source.
It is permitted to reproduce print texts in overheads, PowerPoints and the like. However, use of works in such presentations must not exceed three pages per work.
“Acts, administrative orders, legal decisions and similar official documents are not subject to copyright.” (The Danish Copyright Act § 9)
You may use the below on Canvas:
Please note that preparations of official papers in for example collections of judgments with notes and legal comments are protected. Just as official publications of a general character do not fall under § 9 but are protected as regular works.
When you use video clips in teaching activities, you need to be aware of both the Danish Act on Processing of Personal Data, the Danish Copyright Act and the terms and conditions that apply to the video service that you are using.
Videos made by others
If you show, embed or link to videos made by others, you must ensure:
Your own videos
If you wish to publish a video you have produced yourself, you need to be aware of both the Danish Act on Processing of Personal Data and the Copyright Act:
An agreement with the Karnov Group has made it possible to use materials in pdf format in teaching. For each individual material, however, it requires that you obtain a permit, see more below. With a permission, this means in practice that you as a teacher can upload the material on a password-protected platform such as CBS Learn - not via email, social media such as Facebook or the like.
If you want to make use of this option, it requires, as mentioned, that you obtain permission from Karnov. And the permission must be given for each document that you want to use.
To obtain this permission, please contact Lotte Risbæk Thomsen (lt.lib@cbs.dk) or Birgit Brejnebøl (bb.lib@cbs.dk).
When you teach others, your teaching is automatically covered by the Danish Copyright Act as it is considered a work. Others are therefore not permitted to record your teaching – neither sound nor picture – with for example a smart phone and publish it. This is also due to the fact that the recording constitutes ‘personal data’ regarding the teacher that is covered by the Danish Data Protection Act.
As a teacher, you are also not obliged to accept that your teaching is used as for example a webcast or podcast. Basically, permission to record and webcast teaching requires an agreement between the educational institution and the teacher. And the teacher can always withdraw their consent.
Read the Committee for the Protection of Scientific Work’s article on Webcast Teaching and CBS' Guidelines for Recording of Teaching Activities Etc. and the Use of Teaching Material for more information.
Copydan House accommodates six collective management organisations. Copydan Writing is one of them and the other five are Archives, AVU-media, Visuals, CulturePlus and World TV.
Each of these six organisations is independent and has its own board and its own statutes. Common to all six organisations is that we work to ensure access to media, art, literature, texts, sheet music, television and film works and cultural heritage.
Copydan manages the copyright of a range of rights holders. This management of rights consists of the collection and redistribution of remuneration in connection with copyrights held under licensing agreements. Read more at www.copydan.dk