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Theses and Dissertations: Denmark

In this LibGuide you will find theses and dissertations from around the world. Coverage is interdisciplinary. Not all are available in electronic form.



The newest theses are available in StudentTheses. It contains online theses from 2009 and onwards, which can be downloaded in pdf format. To find theses from a specific programme, please write the name of the programme in quotation marks eg. "International Marketing and Management"

In the search system Libsearch, you can search for both online available theses and older printed theses, located on the library bookshelves. Combine a search term that describes the relevant topic with the keyword “kandidatafhandlinger” and you will be presented with all available theses written by CBS students.

CBS Library receives a copy of all master & HD theses as well as some executive master theses written by CBS students.
All non-confidential theses are registered and published in full text through Student theses Confidential theses are registered in a separate repository and are not made available.

Other universities in Denmark offers the same service

University of Copenhagen, Roskilde University, and Aarhus University - Student projects

Search for published Master theses, Bachelor projects and Term papers from University of Copenhagen, Roskilde University, and Aarhus University. You will find papers that the students have agreed to make accessible to the public. Student projects derive from a wide range of disciplines at each university. Please note: in order to access electronic theses and student papers from Aarhus University, you need to be logged in as AU student or faculty, and you need to be on a AU network: AU Eduroam or AU-VPN.

Student projects from Aarhus University - Not public access.
Aarhus University has closed for public access to online theses etc. for copyright reasons. Therefore only students and employees at AU can search for and get access to the online student projects.

Aalborg University - The Project Library

The Digital Project Library at Aalborg University publishes online editions of student projects and theses (Bachelor, Master/MBA and further education graduation projects). From June 2008 and onwards, all theses and further education graduation projects from Aalborg University will be uploaded and made visible in the Digital Project Library.

University of Southern Denmark - SDUB Library catalogue
(Select material type: specialer)

DTU - Student Theses

DTU Findit Click on Advanced right under the search bar. Choose Thesis and add more search terms.


No service available




If you know of similar Scandinavian or international services, please share.

CBS Library, Solbjerg Plads 3, DK-2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark

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