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Bloomberg: Registration and login

Basic guide to Bloomberg. Including information on registration and booking.


Søren Madsen

Tlf.: 3815 3721

Mød CBS Bibliotek

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CBS students and staff have access to 7 Bloomberg terminals all located at CBS Library Solbjerg Plads.

Create a Bloomberg account

Students and staff can create personal accounts that allow you to save your work and to send e-mails to yourself directly from within Bloomberg. Use your CBS e-mail when signing up.

General login and registration information can be found on the information sheet that is available by the Bloomberg terminals. Alternatively you can read the guides at the top.

Alternative use the Bloomberg Create New Bloomberg Login Fact Sheet (pdf)

Bloomberg Login


How-to log on:

 Click on the Bloomberg icon on the computer


Click ”Press Enter or <GO> to begin” or choose Enter/GO on the Bloomberg keyboard


Login with your Login Name & Password.


CBS Library, Solbjerg Plads 3, DK-2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark

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