In Passport you can find market statistics and market reports including data on market shares. It is also possible to download individual statistics for each subcategory and to compile statistical reports limited to data and years of one´s interest, and to retrieve reports on the size of the market. Passport also provides international demographic, macro-economic and marketing statistics and reports for 205 countries. Covers economic indicators, population trends, consumer and lifestyle information, country infrastructure, environment and more.
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The content of Passport primarily comprises the market for consumer goods, the so-called fast moving consumer goods (FMCG). However, there are also reports on service industry. Geographically, the reports are both global, regional and local in their perspective. The data is fairly updated.
access to global economic, demographic, industrial and marketing statistics
There are also many reports that more specifically examine consumers. ”Consumer Lifestyles Reports” review and analyze elements such as education, purchasing behavior, eating and clothing habits, etc. in more than 70 individual countries, giving a good overview of consumer lifestyles in each of them.
It is possible to search for company profiles and access reports on companies´ activities in a particular country. One can search for companies that are national brand owners or global brand owners. The database also allows for searching for specific brands and estimates their market share.
The database provides access to information on a wide range of countries. It is possible to search for groups of countries such as EU, BRIC, ASEAN, etc.
Text search: is pretty straightforward. The basic search does allow for complex Boolean searching, but you may also use the advanced search for this purpose as well.
Menu search: gives you more flexibility in locating content by allowing you to see the kinds of information contained within Passport.
The search requires two components: choosing at least one category and at least one geography. The first screen after selecting Menu Search in the upper left corner lists the categories available in drill-down menus. Make your selection(s) and click the Next button in the lower right corner. The next screen includes the countries covered by GMID. Choose one or more and then click on the Run Search button in the lower right corner. This brings up the search results with your selected search variables.
A few things to note about the Menu Search:
The sources in this section are designed primarily for industry overviews. One should use the sources in the Company databases for information on specific companies.
Market Share Reporter.Trends over time (part of Gale Virtual Reference Library) Covers 50 key industries (and the companies and products therein) throughout the world (including but not limited to the US, Canada, Mexico, Europe and Asia).
Encyclopedia of American Industries: More than 1000 elaborate descriptions of the American manufacturing and service industries. Each profile opens with a brief sectorial overview followed by a detailed description of sector size, status, structure, history, technological innovations and trends, and major actors. The profile ends with suggestions for further reading.
Encyclopedia of Global Industries: Descriptions of more than 100 global industries, including prominent companies and countries. Each profile contains information about sector size, significance, organization, structure, history, and development. Also sectorial rankings of companies and countries. The profile closes with suggestions for further reading.
Statistical, market and consumer behavior data as well as quantitative research and analyses dealing with media, business, finance, politics etc.
Covers approximately 60,000 topics pulled from 18.000 sources and broken down into 21 categories. Sources include market reports, trade and scholarly journals, and much more. Statista data are global in scope and are pulled from public sources such as the World Bank, the US Census Bureau, and the International Monetary Fund, as well as from “protected” sources via press releases etc.
Contents are sorted into the following categories: Statistics, Studies, Dossiers & Industry Reports, Topics, and Infographics
Source description: Each statistical entry is accompanied by detailed background information, including source, date of publication, methodology, and keywords.
Statista in German and English: Statista is a German product and as such contains huge amounts of very detailed information on Germany and the German market. Contents are not the same across the two databases so if you are specifically looking for data on Germany and not Europe as a whole, you might want to consider starting out in the German database, and of course using German keywords!
The databases in this section contain more in-depth reports on industries and markets:
GlobalData Explorer: Reports on global, national, and regional industries, business sectors, and consumer goods. The reports contain both historical (past 5 years) and projection (next 5 years) data, including statistics. In the Market data analytics module you find Market data and projections (consumption, market and brand shares etc.) for 150 categories of consumer goods, including drinks, food, household appliances, and personal care, across 64 countries/ regions since 1999.
Business Source Ultimate: Contains market, industry reports as well as company profiles.
Frost & Sullivan: Market reports of technology and market trends in aviation, defence, energy, biotechnology, telecommunication, health care, information technology, transportation, electronics, and semiconductors.
EMIS Next: Country, company, and industry information covering 80 emerging markets in Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and the Middle East. Go to the modules “Industries” or “Reports”. Information available in 15 languages.
Bloomberg: gives you access to find industry information
The Industry Analysis page provides information and data on industries, including overviews like
Bull-Bear Outlook an Industry Primer, detailed anlysis, e.g. Valuation of peer groups, and multiple other tools for analysis.