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Shipping: Shipping - Literature

A guide to find information, literature etc. on the shipping industry

Literature - search for literature on the shipping industry


Libsearch is an aggregate search tool, that allows you to conduct searches across CBS Library databases. A Libsearch search will include books and journals, CBS theses, research papers and PhD theses as well as journal articles (including 10-20 years worth of backfiles) from major publishers, e.g. Cambridge, Elsevier, Emerald, OECD, Oxford, Sage, Springer, Taylor & Francis, and Wiley.



  • Search many libraries at once for an item and then locate it in a library nearby
  • Find books, research articles and digital items about a subject


WMU Library (World Maritime University):

The WMU Library houses more than twenty thousand print titles pertinent to the study of maritime affairs. Additionally, the library subscribes to several major
databases and full-text journals offering online access to tens of thousands more titles.

Emerald Transport Series: (limit by choosing the Transport section)
CBS Library gives access to Emerald Transport Series where you find pre-eminent journals and books like "Handbook in Transport", "Maritime Logistics" and "Shipping Company Strategies

Leading journals - shipping

Journals are to be found by the search function "Find Journals":


Canadian transportation & logistics

International journal of transport management

International journal of Logistics Management

Journal of international logistics and trade

Journal of international trade law & policy

Journal of maritime history

Journal of maritime law and commerce

Journal of transport economics and policy

Journal of transport geography

Journal of transport history

Journal of transportation

Journal of transportation security

Journal of world trade

Lloyd's Law Reporter

Lloyd's maritime and commercial law quarterly

Lloyd's list

Maritime Risk International

Maritime economics & logistics

Maritime policy and management

OECD Trade Policy Working Papers

OECD Trade and Environment Working Papers  

Shipping and trade law

Transportation research. Part A: Policy and Practice

Transportation research. Part B: Methodological

Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging technologies

Transportation Research, Part D: Transport and environment

Transportation research. Part E: Logistics and transportation review

WMU journal of maritime affairs

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