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Landeinformation: Forretningsetikette og kulturelle forhold

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Kulturelle forhold og forrretningsetikette

guider for mere end 100 lande om kultur, etikette, vaner m.m. i de enkelte lande. Kwintessential er et privat konsulentfirma med udgangspunkt i England og med fokus på globalisering og internationalisering.

Country Insights: 
faktuelle oplysninger og kulturelle informationer om en lang række lande. Dette site er udviklet i samarbejde med Centre for Intercultural Learning under den canadiske regering.
fri adgang til et 4-binds værk med titlen "Countries and their Cultures" (nyeste udgave er fra 2001).
En række af de mere faktuelle oplysninger er efterhånden forældede, men indeholder megen information om vaner, kulturelle forhold mm. i de enkelte lande

GSS - General Social Surveys
​​The GSS gathers data on contemporary American society in order to monitor and explain trends and constants in attitudes, behaviors, and attributes.  Hundreds of trends have been tracked since 1972. In addition, since the GSS adopted questions from earlier surveys, trends can be followed for up to 70 years.
The GSS contains a standard core of demographic, behavioral, and attitudinal questions, plus topics of special interest. Among the topics covered are civil liberties, crime and violence, intergroup tolerance, morality, national spending priorities, psychological well-being, social mobility, and stress and traumatic events.
The GSS is a unique source for sociological and attitudinal trend data covering the United States. It allows researchers to examine the structure and functioning of society in general as well as the role played by relevant subgroups and to compare the United States to other nations.

ARDA - Association of Religion Data Archives: 
indeholder data om religion, religiøse overbevisninger mm. I udgangspunktet dækkede dette site kun amerikanske forhold, men indeholder nu data fra stort set alle lande

Pew Research Center:
Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. We conduct public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research.
Coverage: US and the world

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