A foreign direct investment (FDI) is an investment made by a firm or individual in one country into business interests located in another country. Generally, FDI takes place when an investor establishes foreign business operations or acquires foreign business assets in a foreign company.
(Source: Investopedia)
OECD - FDI flows (indicator).
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows record the value of cross-border transactions related to direct investment during a given period of time, usually a quarter or a year. Financial flows consist of equity transactions, reinvestment of earnings, and intercompany debt transactions. Outward flows represent transactions that increase the investment that investors in the reporting economy have in enterprises in a foreign economy, such as through purchases of equity or reinvestment of earnings, less any transactions that decrease the investment that investors in the reporting economy have in enterprises in a foreign economy, such as sales of equity or borrowing by the resident investor from the foreign enterprise. Inward flows represent transactions that increase the investment that foreign investors have in enterprises resident in the reporting economy less transactions that decrease the investment of foreign investors in resident enterprises. FDI flows are measured in USD and as a share of GDP. FDI creates stable and long-lasting links between economies.
Foreign direct investment (FDI) is defined as an investment reflecting a lasting interest and control by a foreign direct investor, resident in one economy, in an enterprise resident in another economy (foreign affiliate)
(Source: UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics 2020, Fact Sheet #9: Foreign direct Investment)
Foreign direct investment, abbreviated as FDI, is an international investment within the balance of payment accounts. Essentially, a resident
entity in one economy seeks to obtain a lasting interest in an enterprise resident in another economy
(Source: Glossary on FDI - Foreign Direct Investment)
OECD International Direct Investment Statistics
OECD International Direct Investment Statistics gives access to a comprehensive set of statistics on foreign direct investment (FDI) into and out of OECD countries. The data are presented in a standardized format combining sectorial and geographical breakdowns for flow and stock data from 1982 onwards. Summary tables and more detailed country table are available.
FDI Statistics Database
Statistics on FDI is to be found in the Globalization topic
FDI Statistics. Division on Investment and Enterprise
World Investment Report (publlished by UNCTAD)
The World Investment Report focuses on trends in foreign direct investment (FDI) worldwide, at the regional and country levels and emerging measures to improve its contribution to development.
Every issue of the Report has:
Access via CBS Library:
UNCTAD & United Nations Conference on Trade Development: World Investment Report.
Eurostat - FDI statistics
European Foreign Direct Investments
Foreign Direct Investment Statistics (Eurostat Statistics Expllained):
This article gives an overview of foreign direct investments (FDI) for the European Union (EU) in relation to year-end stocks, annual flows and income. The analysis covers the period 2009–2015 for the EU-28
IMF Coordinated Direct Investment Survey
Includes inward and outward direct investment by country or region back to 2009. Includes bilateral (country-to-country) data.
IMF Data - Access to Macroeconomic & Financial data: Available datasets listed alphabetically
Statista is a statistics portal that provides statistics and other data on a wide range of topics and among other things you can find a lot of statistics on FDI - Foreign Direct Investments.
Search hint:
in the search box search for: FDI or "Foreign Direct Investment" and use the filter to limit your search by Regions, Countries & Territories, Industry, and more
Access to tables, data and reports on Direct Investments
Direct investments in Nationalbankens StatBank.
Statistics Denmark (Danmarks Statistik)
Foreign owned companies in Denmark,
The Foreign enterprises in Denmark statistics shows the number of foreign enterprises located in Denmark and number of Danish employees working at these places.
Danish Foreign Affiliates > Statistical processing
Danish foreign affiliates statistics is a census survey (not a sample survey), which means that the statistics, basically cover all Danish companies that owns affiliates abroad.