S&P Capital IQ
Ownership data on individual companies
- search for company by name in the search box
- choose Investors > Public Ownership in the left hand menu

- the Summary tab displays a summary of investors by type, as well as a list of the current top holders. This is based off of the latest available data for all holders
- The Detailed tab can be customized to display All Owners, Corporations, or Individuals/Insiders

- the History tab: can be customized to view the same 5 categories of holders as in the Detailed tab.
- the Crossholdings tab displays holders/holdings in common across comparable companies classified by S&P Capital IQ. The companies used for comparison will be, by default, the top four companies from S&P Capital IQ Quick Comps.
Request ownership data on more companies at a time:
- choose the Company Screener
- search for a population of companies
- Choose View Results
- choose Customize Display Columns > Company Ownership
- choose the data variables