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Patents and Research: ORBIS Intellectual Property

Brief description of the main classification systems within the patent area

ORBIS Intellectual Property

ORBIS IP - Content

ORBIS IP links global patent data to companies and corporate groups.

Patent data:

  • 115 million patents: linked to information on about 300 million companies; extensive patent portfolios and ownership timeline for all patents
  • 300,000 SEPs (Standard Essential Patents): identify technology standards and innovation across portfolios and corporate groups
  • 13 million patent transactions
  • patent and portfolio valuation: for all granted live patents
  • litigations
  • patent classifications: IPC, CPC, USPC

Company data:

  • data on 300 million companies: 
  • data on corporate structures: see the entire patent portfolio of a corporate group and uncover patents held by susidiaries
  • M&A deals and rumours: tool to monitor patents that have been sold as intangible assets in an M&A deal (up to 20 years of historical data); an indicator-based valuation methodology powered by over 25 indicators
  • Standardized financials
  • Industry classifications: NACE, NAICS, SIC



ORBIS Intellectual Property - How to Search

From the home page you can select which database you want to work with:
Alongside the database selector is the quick search text box, which is always available for any screen or module

  • patents (default)
  • itigations
  • companies

Search by patents (brief description of the search criteria)

  • Patent search: text search into the patent documents. Limit your search to the following fields: all text, title, abstract, description, claims.
    You can search in English, German, French, Japanese and Chinese.
  • Name of the owners, applicants or inventors. 
    You can limit you search on country level
  • Location of the applicants, inventors or (previous or current) owners: choose among world geographical and political regions and countries
  • Number of owners, applicants or inventors
  • Profile
    • choose among live, granted, withdrawn/abandoned, expired, opposed, with change of ownership, Standard Essential Patent, Design patent, Utility Model
    • limit your search by Patent Office
    • Citations (No. of backward or forward citations), Family members (No. of familiy members), Claim (No of words in the first independent claim)
  • Application number: type, paste or load the numbers from a file
  • Publication number: type, paste or load the numbers from a file
  • Date: choose among filing, publication, grant, expiration, priority dates
  • Classifications: choose among IPC, CPC,USPC and WIPO technology classification. You can also choose between Primary and  Secondary codes(NB! look for more information about classifications on the Classification-tab)
  • Families
  • Acquisitions: choose among 
    • Status: rumoured, announced and completed 
    • Type: Research and innovation partnership, Assignment as collateral, Release of collateral, Corporate acquisition, Government,  M&A, Non practicing entities, Intra-Company, Others
    • Time period
  • Oppositions:
    • Time period
    • Company opposed
    • Company opposing 



Search by Classifications:

Choose among the following classification codes:

  • IPC – International Patent Classification:  provides for a hierarchical system of language independent symbols for the classification of patents and utility models according to the different areas of technology to which they pertain
  • CPC – Cooperative patent classification: is an extension of the IPC and is jointly managed by the EPO and the US Patent and Trademark Office. It is divided into nine sections, A-H and Y, which in turn are sub-divided into classes, sub-classes, groups and sub-groups. There are approximately 250 000 classification entries
  • USPC – United States patent classification: Patent classification is a system for organizing all U.S. patent documents and other technical documents into specific technology groupings based on common subject matter
  • WIPO technology classification 
  • Code Type: Primary and secondary codes, primary codes only, secondary codes only


Via Company search you can choose among many search criteria and you can filter your search result.
In this example Denmark has been choosen as location - and you get an quick overview of patents and litigations involving Danish patents and companies:

1,118 litigations, 437,054 patents and 1,909,906 (Danish) companies


You can add more search criteria to your search such as Patent search criteria (location of owners, date, classifications, and more) and Company search criteria (geographic, activities (industrial classification codes), corporate ownership, financials, M&A, patent portfolio, and more).
In this example Companies by Geographic (in this case Denmark) is combined with a Patent Classification search (IPC-code: G02C11/06 - Hearing aids (construction of hearing aids):

21 patents and 8 companies

Perform online analysis by combining patent and/or other business data fields for visual segmentation of data.



Illustrate the geographic distribution of a group of patents according to a specific variable.

  • Number of patents: Illustrate the geographic distribution of a set of patents, by number of patents.
  • Patent values: Illustrate the geographic distribution of a set of patents, by aggregated values of patents.

You can edit map by number of patents, heatmap-number of colours, and value. You can choose between this graphical view and a list view.
The graphical view you can export to pdf-file and the list view to Excel.

Illustrate the geographic distribution of a group of companies according to a specific variable.

  • Number of companies

You can choose among more data variables: number of companies, operating revenue, P/L before tax, and more


Find the leading owners, inventors, applicants etc. related to your search criteria:


In this example it is a league table on patents owned by Danish companies:


CBS Library, Solbjerg Plads 3, DK-2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark

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