Time Series Request: to request data over a specific period, defined by a start date, end date, and frequency of data
Through the add-in data extraction can be performed in different ways depending on the needs of the analysis.
A time series request is conducted by filling out each space in the dialog box below.
A. Select the series.
Click the Series Navigation button to display Datastream Navigator or you can also select lists of series and expression
The series chosen is displayed in the Series field. Then select the series you want from the list.
B. Select the datatype
Click the Datatype navigation button to display Datastream Navigator.
Currency options helps you to choose currency.
The datatype chosen is displayed in the Datatype field. Then select the datatype you want from the list
C. Select the date frequency
Date format: dd/mm/yuy or as a relative date from today. For example, -2Y for 2 years agi from today
D. Select the display options:
Custom headers
A set of static datatypes can be selected to display as the column headings
Row Titles
Displays the series code at the left of each series.
Column Titles
Displays the datatype mnemonic or expression at the top of the column for each datatype.
Displays a general heading for row and column headings. For example, the date of the request
Displays the traded currency for each selected series.
Display the first series mnemonic or description.
Displays the series data in rows instead of columns.
Display Latest Value First
Displays the most recent value first
The request is embedded as a dynamic, refreshable object when saved. If this is not selected, the results cannot be refreshed.
Auto Refresh
Refreshes the request automatically when you open the spreadsheet.
Visible button
Displays the Refresh button with the request results. You can use the Request Manager to refresh requests.
Series Metadata
Adds a hyperlink to the series code to link to the classifications and metadata pages from Navigator for the series (also enable series that are now dead or inactive to be identified in your workbook).
Hyperlink to Datatype Definition
Add links to the datatype to display the definition from Navigator.
You can submit DFO (Datastream for Office) formula in the Excel sheet:
DSGRID Formula syntax:
Start date |
String in formula |
Intraday Value |
Latest Value |
Base Date |
Start of Week |
Start of Month |
Start of Quarter |
Start of Year |
Option |
String in formula |
Custom Header (applicable for Time Series request) |
CustomHeader=true;CustHeaderDatatypes=DATATYPE; |
Row Header |
RowHeader=true; |
Column Header |
ColHeader = true; |
Heading |
Heading = true; |
Transpose |
Transpose = true; |
Display Code |
Code=true; |
Currency |
Curn = true; |
Display Latest Value First (applicable for Time Series request) |
LatestFirstValue=true; |
Hyperlink to Series Metadata |
SeriesMetaDataLink = true; |
Hyperlink to Datatype Definition |
DataTypeDefLink = true; |
Display Expression |
DispSeriesDescription = true; |
Display Datatype |
DispDatatypeDescription = true; |
TS Format (applicable for Time Series request and also you need to select Frequency as Quarterly or Yearly to use this option.) |
YearlyTSFormat=false;QuarterlyTSFomat=true |
Embed Formula |
Not Available String Overriding |
NotAvailableString=N/A; |
Set the number of datatypes to send to the servers – where N is the number (use M:N in the Request Table Request format option) |
MaxConfigSnapshotRequests=N |
Search examples:
Static request:
=DSGRID("DK:LUN";"INDX;CEXT;ISIN;LOC;SECD;NAME;MNEM";"Latest Value";"";"";"RowHeader=true;ColHeader=true;DispSeriesDescription=true;DispDatatypeDescription=true";"")
Time Series request: