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Open Access at CBS: ACM Agreement

In this LibGuide you will find everything related to Open Access at Copenhagen Business School. Navigate by clicking on the blue tabs.

Contact Info

For questions, please contact Claus Rosenkrantz Hansen and Lene Janussen Gry at

CC licenses

Creative Commons licenses

Creative Commons licenses let users know how they can use your article without violating copyright.

See the CBS Library LibGuide page on Creative Commons licenses.

ACM Agreement on Open Access

ACM and Open Access publishing
In 2024, a new consortium agreement between Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and Danish research institutions came into force. To CBS researchers, the agreement means that you can publish your research as Open Access at no cost in a number of ACM’s journals.

The agreement is valid until 31 December 2026. According to the agreement, the final version of an article can be published as Open Access under a Creative Commons license if it fulfills the agreement conditions. The publication costs are covered by the consortium agreement.

Agreement conditions

  • Manuscripts accepted or published during the period of the agreement are covered.
  • Eligible article types are: research articles, review articles and conference or proceedings papers.
  • The journal must be part of the agreement
  • Corresponding author is affiliated to Copenhagen Business School (or another institution covered by the agreement).

What to do as a researcher?

As a researcher at CBS, you can publish your eligible article as Open Access after it has been accepted for publication.

  • Please note that you must be listed as corresponding author and use your institutional e-mail address when submitting the manuscript for review and when choosing between the two "rights assignment" options after acceptance.
  • CC BY is the default license - although corresponding authors can choose any of the licenses in the Creative Commons license portfolio.

Which journals are part of the agreement?

Check if a specific journal is part of the agreement here.

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