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Open Access at CBS: Denmark's National Strategy for Open Access

In this LibGuide you will find everything related to Open Access at Copenhagen Business School. Navigate by clicking on the blue tabs.

Contact Info

For questions, please contact Claus Rosenkrantz Hansen and Lene Janussen Gry at

The Danish Open Access Indicator

To make sure the Danish universities are making a real effort to accomplish the goals of the national strategy, the degree of Open Access to research publications is measured by The Danish Open Access Indicator.

See the indicator results here:


Denmark's National Strategy for Open Access

At Copenhagen Business School, we are committed to live up to the national strategy, which is also stated in CBS' Open Access Policy published in May 2019. This means that all CBS researchers are obliged to make their research publications available as Open Access, when possible. The vision and targets of the strategy is defined as follows. Read the strategy in full length here.


To create free access for all citizens, researchers and companies to all research articles from Danish research institutions financed by public authorities and/or private foundations.


From 2025 onwards, there should be unimpeded digital access for all to peer-reviewed scientific articles from Danish research institutions - with a maximum 12-month embargo.

How to Comply with the Strategy

What do I do as a CBS researcher?

The national strategy recommends Green Open Access (what is that?), where a peer reviewed version of the publication is uploaded to the institutional repository, often with an embargo period (depending on the journal and publisher).

What you have to do: Send us the accepted manuscript when we contact you.

We will take care of the rest, including:

  • Examine the rules and sharing policy of the publisher/journal.
  • Prepare the publication for archiving (apply a cover with information in accordance with the sharing policy of the publisher, etc.).
  • Archive the publication and make sure it is not visible until after the embargo period ends.

If your article is published as Gold or Hybrid Open Access, you already comply with the national strategy and you won’t be contacted.

Definition of accepted manuscript:

  •   The article has been peer-reviewed and subsequently amended by the authors in line with recommendations.
  •   The article has not yet been formatted with the publisher’s layout (e.g. logo, copyright information, page numbers)

At CBS Library, we will examine the rules and sharing policy of the publisher and the specific journal, to make sure not to compromise any copyright rules. You are always welcome to contact us if you wish to see for yourself what the publisher/journal allows.

Please note that most publishers operate with embargo periods. Embargo periods vary, but are typically 12, 24, or 36 months, counting from the date of “first published online”.

As an example, you can take a look at Elsevier’s Sharing Policy:

Publication types included in the strategy are limited to peer reviewed:

  • Journal articles
  • Reviews
  • Conference papers in proceedings

Not included in the strategy:

  • Books/anthologies
  • Contributions to books/anthologies

CBS Library, Solbjerg Plads 3, DK-2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark

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