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Kilder til dansk og international markedsinformation: Markedet i tal

Præsentation af databaser mm. der indeholder information om markeder, brancher, virksomheder, forbrugere, kunder og lande

Markedet i tal - indhold

Markedsstørrelse - på brancheniveau

På brancheniveau findes følgende generelle, statistiske kilder:


Structural business statistics database (SBS)/ Eurostat:

Årlige data om EU-landenes virksomheder, med tabeller om antal virksomheder, omsætning, beskæftigelse osv. Klassifikationen følger EU branchekodesystem NACE-nomenklaturen.

Key Figures on European Business -2022 editionThe publication presents a selection of key business statistics indicators for the European Union, the Member States and the EFTA countries. It starts with an overview, followed by more detailed analyses on four specific parts of the business economy — industry, construction, distributive trades and other non-financial services, and ends with a chapter on tourism.

STAN: OECD Structural Analysis Statistics   (tidligere navn: OECD STAN database for industrial analysis)
Indeholder bl.a. tal for produktion, import og eksport opdelt efter ISIC branchekoder. 
"The STAN database for industrial analysis provides analysts and researchers with a comprehensive tool for analysing industrial performance at a relatively detailed level of activity across countries. It includes annual measures of output, labour input, investment and international trade broken down by International Standard Industrial Classification codes including those covering services" (citeret fra hjemmesiden)


Database med tabeller for alverdens lande, der viser antal virksomheder, ansatte, værditilvækst mv. for industribrancherne fordelt på ISIC branchekoder.

United States Census
(US Census > Topics > Business and Economy > Sales, Receipts, Shipments, or Production)

Statistics on industries and business activity in geographic areas (including the nation, states, metropolitan areas, counties, and cities). Data includes number of establishments, number of employees, payroll, sales, receipts, value of shipments, value of construction work done, etc.

County Business Patterns (US):

County Business Patterns (CBP) is an annual series that provides subnational economic data by industry. This series includes the number of establishments, employment during the week of March 12, first quarter payroll, and annual payroll (provides United States Census)

Markedsinformation i tal - på produktniveau

Kort beskrivelse og oversigt over relevante databaser:



 GUIDES &  HELP            



International trade: (External trade detailed data)
Eurostats Comext database with detailed data on the EU countries' foreign trade by trade partners, and 2,4,6 and 8-digit HS / CN and SITC product group codes. Data are published monthly and for each product there is data on the value (in Euros) and quantity (tonnes)
The main components of the system are: a database organised as a data warehouse, an application interface (API named "Comext server") and user interfaces (Easy Comext and Comext Analytical)

(Note: you have to register as a user in oder to download more data)

  Focus on Comext

  Easy Comext User Guide

  Extra-EU Trade in Goods

Prodcom - Europroms / Eurostat

Production. Statistics on the production of manufactured goods:
Comparative data on production in EU countries of approx. 3500 products according to the PRODCOM classification. It also contains data on import and export according to PRODCOM, so it is possible to estimate the market supply.
Prodcom covers Mining and quarrying, Manufacturing and Materials recovery, sections B, C and E of the Statistical Classification of Economy Activity in the European Union (NACE 2).

Europroms: Whereas Prodcom only refers to production data, Europroms refers to  the combination of production and external trade data.

  PRODCOM explained
  PRODCOM User Guide

  PRODCOM statistics

  Industrial production
  statistics intriduced

  European business 

Access2Markets - trade


International trade:
Contains a "Statistical database" with tables on the EU´s trade with the rest of the world by HS and CN classifications.
The site also contains country profiles covering general aspects of trade policy, trade barriers, applied tariffs, etc.

 Om Access2Markets

OECD - International trade by commodities / OECD

International trade:
Here it is possible to obtain data on the fully developed 5-digit SITC product codes and the HS codes. Gives full commodity and partner country detail, 1961-. Different countries and areas of trade. SITC Rev. 2 contains data back to 1961. Though Revision 3 contains more variables, its data begins in 1990. Annual series of reports on value of foreign trade for 25 OECD countries by SITC 1 to 2 digit commodity and partner country, world, region, and economic groupings. Data are classified according to the SITC (Standard International Trade Classification) or HS (Harmonized System) classification.

  OECD - International
  trade and balance of
  payment statistics

  OECD - Statistical

OECD - Main Economic Indicators

Economic overview:
Includes a wide range of areas from 1961, such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, retail sales, industrial production, construction, consumer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, money and domestic finance, foreign finance, foreign trade, and balance of payments for OECD countries and non-member economies.


OECD - Monthly Statistics of International Trade.

International trade:
For OECD member countries, provides exports & imports of broad commodity categories and exports & imports by trading partner countries. Values in U.S. dollars with conversion tables for national currencies. Monthly, quarterly, & annual data.  Earliest data is 1955.

OECD Statistics on International Trade in Services

International trade - services:
Annual report of data on service trade, investment, intellectual property income and comparisons to total merchandise trade

International trade and tariff data / WTO

International trade and tariff data:

International trade statistics by commodities and regions.

  Where to find WTO trade
  and tariff data
International trade statistics / International Trade Centre (UN og WTO)

International trade:
Here it is possible to run reports that show all countries' trade on a single commodity code or a single country´s trade on all items. Annual data on 2- or 4- digit HS codes.
Trade statistics on imports and exports by product group and across 200 countries and territories so that you can set your priorities in terms of trade promotion, trade development strategies and partner country.

Commodity trade statistics database (Comtrade) / United Nations (UN Comtrade)

International trade:

Annual data on import/export from around the word in HS- or SITC nomenclatures. Alternatively, a link with data from 1988,


  UN Comtrade - API

  UN Comtrade Wiki

UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics On-line

International merchandise trade and in services, economic trends, population and maritime transport

Statistics on international trade in goods and services and more. 

Industrial Commodity Statistics Database / United Nations

Industrial production:

Contains data on industrial production by ISIC industry codes.

  About UN Data
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Agricultural, Fishery and Forest products

Here it is possible to search all of FAO´s statistical databases with annual data on trade in agricultural-, fishery- and forest products worldwide, as well as production of crop and animal products.

 World trade indicators / World Bank (WITS)

International trade and trade policies:

This database allows you to compare and rank countries´ trade policies. Approximately 200 countries are assesed in respect to trade barriers and incentives
WITS provides multiple ways to access trade, tariff and non-tariff data. It has the following main sections.
TradeStats: Summary trade, tariff, non-tariffs and development indicators
Analytical Databases: Databases derived using official data sources
Global Preferential Trade Access Database (GPTAD): Search across different preferential trade agreements.
WITS Application: Generate your own trade statistics and indicators, using the underlying trade and tariff data. The application also provides tools to perform single and multi-market tariff cut simulations.

  Guide to WITS

  E-learning portal with an 
 introduction to WITS

World Development Indicators

International trade:

If looking for totals and not bilateral trade or trade by the specific commodity, then start with World Development Indicators.  It includes some large regional breakdowns as well as broad breakdowns for areas such as goods and services, arms, fuel, and agricultural raw materials. Be careful regarding how each variable is measured.

UN Service Trade

International trade in Service:

Coverage: 2000+. The current scope of UN ServiceTrade is resident to non-resident trade in services and some related data series, broken down by EBOPS category and partner country on an annual basis.  Free registration is required.
(Note: choose Services in the Category Type of product)

  UN Comtrade - API

  UN Comtrade Wiki

Services Trade Restrictions Database.


I-TIP Services

International trade in service and trade policies:

World Bank database that provides comparable information on services trade policy measures for 103 countries, 5 sectors (telecommunications, finance, transportation, retail and professional services) and key modes of delivery.

It is a set of linked databases that provides information on Members' commitments under the WTO's General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), services commitments in regional trade agreements (RTA), applied measures in services, and services statistics.

Trade Costs Database (World Bank)

International trade (bilateral trade costs)

Provides estimates of bilateral trade costs in agriculture and manufactured goods for the 1995-2018 period. It is built on trade and production data collected in 208 countries. Symmetric bilateral trade costs are computed using the Inverse Gravity Framework (Novy 2009), which estimates trade costs for each country pair using bilateral trade and gross national output.


Statista is a statistics portal that provides statistics and other data on various topics. They are grouped into 20 major headings such as advertising, telecommunications, groceries and convenience goods, education, transport and tourism. According to Statista’s own information, there are statistics about more than 80,000 items from over 20,000 different sources.

Contents are sorted into the following categories: Statistics, Reports, Outlooks, Company DB, Infographics, Services, Global Survey.

Source description: Each statistical entry is accompanied by detailed background information, including source, date of publication, methodology, and keywords.

  • Statistics: Today there are over 1 million statistics on 80,000 different topics from more than 22,500 sources available on our platforms.
  • Reports: Statista offers more than 36,000 studies and reports
  • Company DB: information about a company’s headquarters, number of employees, revenue performance and much more
  • Infographics: here topics and issues are visualized


Statista in German, English, Spanish and French: Statista is a German product and as such contains huge amounts of very detailed information on Germany and the German market. Contents are not the same across the four databases so if you are specifically looking for data on e.g.Germany and not Europe as a whole, you might want to consider starting out in the German database, and of course using German keywords!

   Guide to Statista
  Information about the
  sources of statistics

  Statista Help Center

Danmarks Statistik
er en helt central kilde med henblik på at finde dansk markedsinformation.
Der er to hovedindgange til at finde at finde information:

  • Statistikbanken
    Industriens produktion og omsætning.
    Her kan der blandt meget andet findes tal for branchernes omsætning og produktion under emnet "Erhvervslivets sektorer". F.eks. Industriens produktion og omsætning hvor industrien igen er underopdelt på brancheniveau
    I de senere år er der også sket en opprioritering med hensyn til indsmaling af data om Serviceerhverv.
    Bemærk iøvrigt Arkiv-ikonet, som åber for adgang til data længere tilbage


  • Udenrigshandel
    ​Opgørelse over den samlede udenrigshandel med lande (inden for og uden for EU) fordelt på varer, tjenester (serviceydelser) og økologiske varer.
    Handel med varer: Danmarks import og eksport af varer, fordelt på alle verdens lande og på ca. 10.000 forskellige varer. Statistikken opgøres efter handlens værdi (opgjort i kroner) og normalt også i kilo.
    Handel med tjenesteydelser; statistikken over udenrigshandel med tjenester offentliggøres hvert kvartal fordelt på udvalgte lande og tjenestegrupper. Statistikken på årsbasis er mere detaljeret og fordeles på alle verdens lande og 50 tjenestekategorier.
    Handel med økologiske varerUndersøgelsen blev gennemført første gang i 2004 vedrørende statistikåret 2003 og har fulgt samme metode siden.
  • Emneindgang
    Her findes der færdige tabeller mm. vedr. de forskellige områder som f.eks. Priser og Forbrug, Levevilkår og Udenrigsøkonomi


Databaser med information om markedets størrelse for forskellige varer og produkter:


Denne statistikportal samler statistik fra en række internationale organisationer. Der er bl.a. adgang til følgende:

  • International Trade by Commodity Statistics fra OECD (HS98, HS96, SITC Rev.2)
  • WTO External Trade Statistics
  • Production Statistics fra EUROSTAT (EUROPROMS): product data by value and quantity (sold production, imports, exports, consumption)
  • Intra- Extra- EU Trade Statistics (COMEXT): trade data for up to 10,000 products for trade between EU Members and EU Member states and their up to 200 partner countries world wide
  • DSI's Intra-Extra-EU Trade Carbon Footprint Database

Support: AllThatStats Help Centre


Statista is a statistics portal that provides statistics and other data on various topics. They are grouped into 20 major headings such as advertising, telecommunications, groceries and convenience goods, education, transport and tourism. According to Statista’s own information, there are statistics about more than 80,000 items from over 20,000 different sources.

Contents are sorted into the following categories: Statistics, Reports, Outlooks, Company DB, Infographics, Services, Global Survey.

Source description: Each statistical entry is accompanied by detailed background information, including source, date of publication, methodology, and keywords.

  • Statistics: Today there are over 1 million statistics on 80,000 different topics from more than 22,500 sources available on our platforms.
  • Reports: Statista offers more than 36,000 studies and reports
  • Company DB: information about a company’s headquarters, number of employees, revenue performance and much more
  • Infographics: here topics and issues are visualized


Statista in German, English, Spanish and French: Statista is a German product and as such contains huge amounts of very detailed information on Germany and the German market. Contents are not the same across the four databases so if you are specifically looking for data on e.g.Germany and not Europe as a whole, you might want to consider starting out in the German database, and of course using German keywords!

Passport (tidligere navn: GMID, Global Market Information Database)
I Passport kan du finde markedsstatistik og markedsrapporter herunder data vedr. markedsandele. I databasen er det muligt at søge på brancher som f.eks. Automotives, Clothing og Food. Hver branche er underopdelt, f.eks. er clothing inddelt i men’s outerwear, women’s outerwear, childrens wear osv. For hver underkategori af en branche kan der hentes særskilt statistik. 
Under kategorien Economies > Economy, Finance and Trade you can find reports, analysis and statistics on e.g. trade in goods and services


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