An overview of analyzes and reports from Danish Patent and Trademark Office, WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), and EUIPOEPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office)
Statistics Denmark -Research, Development, and Innovation
The statistics concerning research, development and innovation cover both the public and the private sector. This includes trade in patents
WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) IP Statistics Data Center
It is an on-line service enabling access to WIPO’s statistical data on intellectual property (IP) activity worldwide. Users can select from a wide range of indicators and view or download the latest available as well as historical data.
This service is based on the WIPO Statistics Database which contains:
data collected from national and regional IP offices;
data generated from the international filing and registration systems administered by WIPO;
data extracted/compiled from the Patstat database.
WIPO Statistical Country Profiles: Statistical country profiles provide information on patents, utility models, trademarks and industrial designs.
Open data portal
"Open data" is publicly available data that is structured in a way that enables the data to be fully discoverable and usable by end users. It can be freely used, reused, and redistributed by anyone.
OECD Patent Statistics: The database contains patent data and indicators that are suitable for statistical analysis and that can help addressing S&T policy issues.
Triadic Patent Families: A triadic patent family is defined as a set of patents registered in various countries (i.e. patent offices) to protect the same invention.
OECD Patent Statistics Manual: This manual provides guiding principles for the use of patent data in S&T measurement, and recommendations for the compilation and interpretation of patent indicators in this context.