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Patenter og Forskning: Forskning

Forskning - definitioner

Forskning (FoU): Definitionen på forskning og udviklingsarbejde (FoU) dækker over arbejde foretaget på et systematisk grundlag for at øge den eksisterende viden, og udnyttelsen af denne viden til at udtænke nye anvendelsesområder (definition hentet fra OECD, Frascati-maualen)

Innovation: defineret som implementeringen af et nyt eller væsentligt forbedret produkt (vare eller tjenesteydelse), en ny eller væsentlig forbedret proces, en væsentlig ny organisatorisk metode eller en væsentlig ny markedsføringsmetode. (definition hentet fra OECD, Oslo-maualen)

Frascati Manual

The Frascati Manual has become the standard of conduct for R&D surveys and data collection not only in the OECD and the European Union, but also in several non-member economies, for example, through the science and technology surveys of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). Look for more information at the homepage of OECD.

Informationsressourcer - Danmark

Danmarks Statistik: indsamler data og statistik om FoU-aktiviteterne i Danmark. 

Hent selv dine data fra Statistikbanken. Gå ind under Uddannelse og viden > Forskning, udvikling og innovation


Erhvervsstyrelsen: har samlet en række FoU-data i en regional statistik


Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet er den centrale danske myndighed vedr. forskning og innovation

Informationsressourcer - Internationale

EU - Eurostat: på Eurostats hjemmeside for Science, Technology and Innovation er der adgang til statistik om FoU. 

Europa-Kommissionens Generaldirektorat (GD) for Enterprise and Innovation er EUs myndighed for innovation

CORDIS (the Community Research and Development Information Service) 
CORDIS is the European Commission's primary source of results from the projects funded by the EU's framework programmes for research and innovation (FP1 to Horizon 2020. 
CORDIS has a rich and structured public repository with all project information held by the European Commission such as project factsheets, participants, reports, deliverables and links to open-access publications.CORDIS also produces its own range of publications and articles to make it easier for you to find relevant results that you can use in your domain.

OECD Science, technology and innovation

OECD iLibrary: adgang via CBS Bibiblioteks databaser:
Søgetip: vælg Browse by Theme > Science and Technology

OECD ANBERD (Analytical Business Enterprise Research and Development) database
The ANBERD database presents annual data on Research and Development (R&D) expenditures by industry and was developed to provide analysts with comprehensive data on business R&D expenditures. The ANBERD database incorporates a number of estimations that build upon and extend national submissions of business enterprise R&D data by industry (main activity/industry orientation).The current version of the ANBERD database presents OECD countries’ and selected non-member economies’ business expenditure on R&D since 1987, broken down across 100 manufacturing and service industry groups.

WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization: WIPOs portal for området for immaterielle rettigheder (IP - Intellectuel Properties)

UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization: UIS - UNESCO Institute for Statistics samler statistik fra mere end 200 lande vedr. innovation, R&D mm.

UK Research and Development Expenditure 
Research and development in the UK is carried out or funded by business enterprises, higher education, government, UK Research and Innovation, and private non-profit organisations. On this website you find time series, dataset, publications, and more on the UK R&D expenditure

Oslo Manual

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