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Using Course Readings in Canvas - Faculty

The practical guide for using Course Readings in Canvas. The tool that makes course literature available to students.

Adding content in general

You are now ready to add content to your reading list.

Navigate to "Add" in the upper menu. This will open a dropdown menu, allowing you a choice of adding content from the library catalog, from your own files or from your collection of saved citations. 

Depending of the nature of the item you want your students to read/interact with, follow the links below.

Articles/books/chapters in books

Book articles with individual authors

Video/Webpage content

Note: For copyright reasons - before considering uploading your own files under the Copydan Agreement you must search the library for digital access. Giving access through CBS Library subscriptions precedes use of the Copydan agreement. Open access material can be freely distributed. See more on usage rights here.
It is always the instructors own responsibility that course readings comply with copyright rules.

When you are done populating your list, go to step 3 - Publish

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