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Using Course Readings in Canvas - Faculty

The practical guide for using Course Readings in Canvas. The tool that makes course literature available to students.

Books and articles

1. Click "library search" and search for the item. The most straightforward way to search a specific citation is to use an author surname and a couple of significant words from the book/article title.

2. Click the desired citation, choose section and click "add". It is also possible to drag and drop the citation to the right section in the list.

Important: If the desired citation is an e-book, please make sure that the format is suitable for multiple users at the time. If no suitable e-book is found you can communicate with the library on the possible acquisition of a suitable e-format.

If you do not find your citation through "library search", you can upload your own file. Please make sure that the uploaded file complies with usage rights.

When added to the list, citations can be fitted with messages for the students like, "Read page 55-77" or "Note the neat review of the literature in the introduction of this article". See "Add information to your citations".

Book chapters

If you want your students to read a specific chapter of a book, start out by searching the book via "Library search".

If you find the book is available as a suitable e-book, write a public note for the students on what pages/chapters to read.

If you do not find a suitable e-book, you have several options.

1. Add the citation for the book to your list and add your own scanned file of the chapter to the reference. This can be done by  clicking "edit item". Choose "Click here to drag or upload a file". Or you can

2. Add your own scanned file as a "book chapter" to your list by using the "Files" section in the "Add items" menu. Make sure your file complies with usage rights. Or

3. Ask the library to scan the chapter and add it to the book citation in your list.

Suitable E-books

Some book vendors do not allow multiple users on e-books. Even though the library aims at providing the best access possible within the budget, e-books found in the library catalog are not always suitable for presenting to a whole course of students. If you have found a citation that you would like to use in your course, click the online link to the resource and check how many users can access at the time.

As a general rule, e-books directly from the main academic publishers as Cambridge, Emerald, Sage, Springer, Taylor&Francis and Wiley has full access. Pearson is the exception with only 5 same-time users and therefore not suitable. E-books from aggregators like ProQuest and EBSCO are usually restricted.

The policy at CBS is that students should buy their own textbooks (or teachers can provide copies that are within the CopyDan agreement)  - but we help with digital access where we can.

Do not hesitate to contact the library if in doubt.



Please check usage rights for PDF items before you upload them. Make sure items comply with the below.

Items has to be either;

Open access material


From publishers that allow upload (digital copying) instead of linking

If none of the above options are available, the Copydan agreement comes into force:

Scanned pages from items that CBS does not have suitable digital access to. These pages cannot exceed 20% of the original text or journal volume, and no more than 50 pages in all, per student per semester. Citations must properly state title, author and publisher. (All as CBS agreement with Copydan dictates)

Newspaper articles: You must seek permission.

Don´t hesitate to ask if you have any questions on copyright.

Note, that if you check the button "This file was authored by me and I have rights to use it in teaching" it will always be your own responsibility that the text uploaded complies with copyright and usage rights.

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