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APA 7th Edition - Citation Guide - CBS Library


Formate your appendices like this:

  • Appendices should be positioned at the end of the paper, after the references list
  • Each appendix should begin on a separate page 
  • Each appendix should have a label AND a title
  • If a paper has one appendix, label it Appendix
  • If a paper has more than one appendix (or appendices), label them in order using the letters of the alphabet: Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, etc. Be sure to include the letters in your in-text citations when you have more than one appendix so the reader knows which appendix to consult.
  • The appendix title should describe the contents of the appendix
  • Each appendix should be mentioned at least once within the paper


Your appendices is not to be listed in your reference list but you cite them in your text.

Example in-text citation:

Quick loan continues to be a problem (See Appendix C and F for complete proof).


Manager A states "Cite from an interview" (See Appendix B for full interview)

Source: Publication Manual, 2.14

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